More than 60 years of magnets.
At Sura Magnets AB we know that there is a magnetic solution for every application, from automotive to medtech. Many products featuring injection-moulded magnets are still waiting to be developed by us in collaboration with you. Here you will find a flexible organization, built on quality and cost effciency.
The company was founded in 1954 in a small town in Sweden called Surahammar and was subsidiary to Surahammars Bruk who was steel casting company started in the 1600 century. In Surahammar we were producing cast Alnico magnets and for eg. The Alnico 5 magnet grade is from our Sura 500A grade magnet material. 1996 the company was moved to Söderköping where we still are located today.

Over the last 30 years we have developed injection-molded magnets for a large number of different applications. Our ambition is to be the market leader, to always be on the leading edge of development and to continuously help our customers to improve their products. We are a well-known quality supplier to customers throughout the world and in Scandinavia, where we are the largest manufacturer of plastic-bonded magnets
Today our production is a mixture with fully automated molding machines running 24/7 and manual operated machines for the lower volume products.
The heart of the company will always be in Söderköping, but soon we will also have manufacturing in other locations. We want to be closer to our customers around the world. We are always seeking to in the front row regarding technical solutions and manufacturing techniques.